Minimal + WM is Overrated

As someone who has been using been using Linux for years, of course I got into using minimal setups focused around window managers instead of using desktop environments. As time has gone on, I really feel like they are not worth the effort and a desktop environment is overall better (your mileage with WMs and opinion may be different, but I would like to post my thoughts on here; do with them as you will). And no, this is not an Arpil Fool's joke :P

Reasons why I don’t like WMs as much anymore (Cons):

Although there are some Pros:
Since I primarily use desktop and do not use machines that can not support modern desktop environments, the reasons to use a WM have dwindled for me. But one major thing I do like/enjoy with using WMs, is how cool they can look. Here are some setups I have used in the past:

So what are the advantages of using a DE?
And the disadvantages would be:

So for my use case, a DE makes the most sense. And currently I am running a pretty basic Gnome setup on OpenSUSE and am quite happy with it. The main take away with this article is that there are advantages to both, and use whatever you like. It is quite easy to fall into the trap of using minimal setups because that is what a lot of online communities suggest, and they can look really cool. But honestly a computer should be a tool, one that is shaped for the user.
